Room 2 Grow

Room of Abraham ~

Knock it off: Stop your stupid silly infighting. Stop thumbing your noses and looking down on one another. Stop blaming. STOP. Get rid of praying to Idols – temples, churches, wearing your faith symbols in external items, and the fact that you belong to Abraham…yes, that too is an Idol! Stop focusing on Haile Selassie I.
Keep it up: In order to qualify for this ROOM you FULLY comprehend that you are chosen by GOD’s Grace and HIS Grace, ONLY. KNOW that Faith is a Relationship. Keep spreading the idea of Agape. Have love among yourselves, for you are the brethren of Abraham.
Know that “EVERY Word of GOD is pure: HE is a shield unto them that put their TRUST in HIM.”

Room of Reflection ~

Knock it off: Refrain from all of your refrains (this is giving yourselves credit for your own works – attachment.) Did you know that your refrains are the same thing the bible teaches? The Refrains are not bad, they are the same thing the Messiah has been teaching, but don’t attach your holiness to them, it is HIS Holiness. Please stop believing in the many incarnations doctrine. Get rid of praying to Idols – images of Buddha.
Keep it up: In order to qualify for this ROOM you FULLY comprehend that the way to attain Nirvana is by meditating on the cycle of Attachment, by illuminating the Chakras, by continuing to hold that ALL life forms are sacred, and by showing the other Rooms how to Silence the mind by just sitting.
“When we let go of thoughts and wake up to the reality of life that is working beyond them, we discover the Self that is living universal non-dual life ( before the separation into two) that pervades ALL living creatures and existence.”

Room of The Wild ~

Knock it off: Piercing of the skin, tribes that cannibalize flesh or souls, Polytheism, Henotheism,and stop summoning Ancestors & Ghost dancing – let them rest!
Keep it up: In order to qualify for this ROOM you FULLY comprehend that you should continue to teach out allegories and principles, and rely on face to face teaching. Using nature for its natural Medicinal purposes instead of the Man-made stuff that is causing disruption. Keep dancing, but instead of praying to the sun and moon, pray to The GOD who made them. Keep drumming and making things natural. Keep your meditation, prayer, and singing. Keep animism.
“Oh Great Spirit who made ALL races. Look kindly upon the WHOLE human family, and take away the arrogance and hatred which separates us from our brothers.”

Room of Instinct ~

Knock it off: Too many deitities- No Polytheism, Atheism, Pantheism – in the way that GOD is personal, but YES the Universe IS identical with divinity. Get rid of praying to Idols – images of GOD.
Keep it up: In Order to qualify for this ROOM you FULLY comprehend that you should continue to practice Monism, acknowledging The GODHEAD, practice Animism, the understanding of Yin & Yang, the only Magicks to keep are : 1) How to heal the broken hearts, 2) Use of nature to promote health, 3) How to communicate with animals and the things of the earth.
“The instinctual position of most [Wiccans]…seems to be that if one makes the most of the present life, in all respects, then the next life is more or less certainly going to benefit from the process, and so one may as well concentrate on the present.”

Room of The Fresh IN Bloom ~

Knock it off: your Judgement is to be made by Christ and Him alone! (I am not in knowledge of what you need to stop doing at this time.)

Keep it up: It is up to the rest of the houses for US to keep praying for YOU.

“If a man can predict his own death and resurrection, and pull it off, I just go with whatever that MAN says.”


A Dam


There is good love: Agape
bad love: the tainted love of attachment.

One is open like a river flowing, the other logged up like a dam.
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a dam!”

Attachment = damned / dammed love.
Agape = concerns the well-being of ALL.

Attachment serves from a place of disharmonious self.
The disharmonious self feeds off of validation from, and rejections by The Mass Produced perception of the sea / see from Society.
The disharmonious self is of The World.
The world view thrives upon attachment to:
Things, Time, ideas, relations, cultures, race, status, placements, and labels.
Labels = Lames + our ABELities.
Who is ABEL to stand? (Meat for the family).
It is attached to Separation & Divisiveness… The “mine”, the “I”, the “yours”, “theirs”, and “ours.”
It forms fractions, cliques, and IN versus out.
“There is no room at The IN.” – Luke 2:7
~ Exclusive ~
The Devil loves ‘EXclusives.’
Self elevation is death for the soul & the spirit*


Rated E for Everyone! A Royal Wedding


John 3:16 states that “For GOD so loved The WORLD, that HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
GOD gave His only begotten Son to the World of whosoever believes in HIM.
You don’t believe in His Son, you don’t believe in GOD.
Psalms 150:6 “Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD. Praise YOU ALL the LORD.
That means ALL: that doesn’t mean just Christians, just Judaism, just Islam, just 12 Tribes of Israel – Rastafari, that doesn’t mean just Wicca, that doesn’t mean just Buddhism, that doesn’t mean just Native American Spirituality.
That means ALL that exists must come through the ONLY DOOR by which Glorifies The FATHER GOD.
If it is a family business and the Father entrusts the shop to be ran by His Son for a time, you RESPECT the One in front of you. That would mean The SON. You disrespect The SON, then you disrespect HIS FATHER’s GOOD JUDGEment, thereby disrespecting THE ENTIRE BUSINESS.

If you continue to disrespect The SON, then The Son has EVERY RIGHT to tell HIS FATHER that He doesn’t want your business in HIS FATHER’s Store.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been there, if you buy only the best products, if you give all you have to the store, if you praise The Son to his face, if all of your family goes to that store, if you help trying to clean up the store, if you say its a wonderful store… all that matters is how you treat, appreciate, and respond to the fact that The SON is running the store.

Don’t get it = Don’t get in.
If you DISRESPECT THE FATHER’s HOUSE, then all you are is a DEN of THIEVES!
Mark 11: 12 – 33.

Rafiki Say…


What did Rafiki Say?

The Past is putting us in a wheelchair.

By focusing on our castles we are overlooking the Bright Star.

By focusing on the appear, appearer, appearance of who the baby’s mother is…
You miss who the baby’s REAL family is entirely.

Let go of all preconceived notions- Our Immaculate Conceptions, Our Ladies of Our Own Assumptions, and Our High Definitions of both who the bride and the mother ought to be.

This is about The Bridegroom, and where He is, so too the bride will be also.
ALL Children of the earth, STOP looking for the bride, and start looking for the Bridegroom… This is our Wedding Invitation– If there is no room for The Groom, then there is no room for the bride.

Spot, The Good Dinosaur.

Branches and Roots

Strong Partnership

The 1rst Adam had 3 sons, so too, The Last Adam.
Within “Christianity” we see:
Paul = Law
John = Spirit
Peter = Choice

Within Abraham we see:
The Abrahamic Religions
But The Point to Make with Abraham’s Children is this:
If The Messiah had not come, then why are we all still here?

The Muslims got screwed over by Mohammad, If You are Muslim, you are actually LEVITES.
Ishmael’s line is actually in India – The Hindi / Hinduism.

Revelation 17

as revealed in other scriptures…
2nd Chronicles: The LORD GOD of their fathers sent HIS messengers because HE had compassion on HIS people, and on HIS dwelling place; But they mocked HIS messengers, despised HIS words, misused HIS prophets, until the Wrath of The LORD arose against his people – until there was no remedy.
To fulfill the WORD of The LORD by mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths:for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfill 3 score and 10 years.

Jeremiah 39: 1 – 10: Israel playing the harlot with a whore’s mind, refusing to be ashamed. Backsliding Judaisim ran into the powers of others (the Romans).
Her treacherous sister Judah saw it, after the bill of Divorce was given to Israel, then JUDAH did it too!
She committed adultery with Stones & Stocks (Hellenistic thinking). 10 Not whole heart given but feignedly- faking it by taking up the name “Christian,” but NOT adhering to it’s meaning : Christ like I AM . Christ is not being seen like The Father GOD, but as ‘the Scapegoat’ for us to sin.
Also, that and not correcting our sister Israel, makes Judah treacherous.
Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Christ.
Daniel 5: Belshazzar disrespects The LORD by drinking from the golden vessels from the temple of the House of GOD, which was at Jerusalem, and sharing of it with all of his entourage in disgraceful intentions. He learned nothing from his father Nebuchadnezzar’s ordeal with GOD; and even though Daniel explained the writings and what Belshazzar should do with his gifts, he did what he wanted to do with them anyway, and got slain & his reign turned over to another.
AntiChrist is the world power 666 known as the ancient Sumerians, also known in biblical times as the Assyrians – founded by Nimrod.
Genesis 10: 8 – 12, Micah 5: 6
Agent of God’s Purpose
Isaiah 7:17-20, 10: 5 & 6

Attacks and finally conquers Israel
2 Kings 15: 19 – 20 & 29, 17: 3 – 41

Invades and threatens Judah
2 Kings 18: 13 – 37

Hezekiah prays for help against; army miraculously slain
2 Kings 19: 1 – 35

Prophecies Concerning
Numbers 24: 22 – 24, Isaiah 10: 12 – 19, Isaiah 14: 24 – 25, Isaiah 19: 23 – 24, Hosea 10:6, Hosea 11:5, Nahum 3: 1 – 19. (Revelation 16:12)

the web – the world wide web
Polytheism just like the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and all other ‘enemy nations’ to The Children of Abraham.
Mesopotamian- mythology, religion, and astrology.
Nimrod / Osiris / Orion / Gilgamesh/ Baal can be seen in:
2) Herod, 3) Pharaoh, 4) Nero, 5) Kim Jong IL, 6) , 7), 8)*

Now in order of appearance:
Pharoah’s head wound – to go down in History as ‘The Dumbest King in HISTORY’
Herod’s head wound – paranoid schizophrenic
Nero’s head wound – after all that killing, he stabs his own self in the throat (the neck attaches to the head).
Kim Jong IL – fits of rage (too angry in the brain) kills him: wikipedia Kim_Jong_IL.
* In office as The Supreme People’s Assembly as no# 666th!
“Eternal General Secretary”, ” Eternal Chairman”, “Eternal” Posts for all dead member’s of the Kim Dynasty
* See his Death facts *
” Eternal Leader”, ” towers of his Immortality” and “Day of the Shining Star.”
Number 6 – Whomever the AntiChrist is right now… He comes out of Louisiana, and he will be the 6th.
Vroom! – There are ‘vehicles’ known that are Anti-Christs, such as for example: Monsanto, these are not the figure, but vehicles of Babylon.
Rev 17: 16 He (Nimrod) will destroy the very thing he created:
Society – desolate (barren), naked (exposed), chew her up, and torture her.


Preface to Revelation 17

I would first like to state that:
The Book of Revelation is actually titled ” The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

It is written with the purpose to reveal who Christ is, for all of Abraham’s children to gain wisdom, fruits of The Spirit, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, and to provide hope for the Kingdom of The Supreme GOD & His Son.

It is NOT written solely for timelines, for thumbing our nose at the followers of The Beast, and for getting our heads puffed up with pride over the works of our own hands.
Knowing this, the characters of; Babylon & the Anti-Christ, ARE made Known to us so that we can see GOD more clearly.
It is about seeing GOD in this crammed IMPerial world.
It is about GOD’s goodness to us, even when we are in the valley.
It is about the AWESOME GOD that we serve, and that we reap what we did not labor for.

HIS GOOD SEED – The works of jesus christ:
The WAY, The Truth, The Life, The Light of The World, The Salt of The Earth, The Ransomer, The Redeemer, The Pure and Spotless Lamb, The Holy One of GOD, The Perfector of our Faith, The WORD OF GOD, The 1O COMMANDMENTS Come to Life, The Finger of GOD ( YOD ), The Last Adam, The Greater Moses, The STAR of David, The ISAAC to Abraham, The Hope of The Prophets, The TRUE ARK of The Covenant, The RAINBOW after the Flood, The UNLEAVENED yeast, The HOUSE of BREAD, The BLOOD on the Doorposts, The BEST WINE, The Living Water, JACOB’s Well, The Mount SINAI, THE TRUE SABBATH DAY: THAT 7th DAY that mankind rests from their own labors and just sides with GOD, THE BUILDING that cannot be destroyed, THE TENT OF MEETING-that travels in the Desert, THE WALLS OF JERICHO, The Color in our world, THE ALPHA & OMEGA, Our PROCREATOR, Our Messiah, and OUR KING EVERLASTING!!!

The whole book is actually about HIM ( see Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah- understand them through Psalms).


The World Cup


In Passage – Matthew 26:39 – 44

Here we see that Jesus asks HIS Father to not have the cup passed to Him.

~ Pause for Effect ~

A short time later when Peter goes after Malchus’ ear, and after Jesus scold Peter, He says “Shall I not drink from the cup that my Father has prepared for me?”

Here is where commonly accepted theology can be a big pain in the rear.

Too often it has been assumed that Jesus was either:

1) modeling something for us,

2) being inconsistent, and

3) a wuss about receiving His Father’s wrath in death.

Find the golden cup of Revelation 17: 3 – 6, tie it into the sour wine vinegar & hyssop…
The Cup is actually the sourness that in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and gift of salvation, it will taste like Babylon to some who have truly believed that they were following and remaining faithful to Christ and/or His Father, and when the errors of Theology are therefore corrected, they will not believe, and this turn away, and be brought to destruction.
{ Like those disciples who abandoned Him after hearing about the body in John 6:66 }

A Good Shepherd cares for His sheep, but a sheep who thinks the grass is greener elsewhere, cares not for the shepherd.

HE came so that we “may have life and have it abundantly.”

How sour it is, that we just can not see that.


Psalms 71:1
These people are not the people who refuse to turn around due to self-righteousness, or hardened hearts, but those of whom have literally had their minds ‘blacked out’ by false doctrine & dangerous teaching of tradition, to the point of which that they are SLAVES to Spiritual Blindness.

The Quest for Truth outweighs the slothfulness of only doing something simply because it is tradition.

Again, “what is truth?” The question that Pilate asked, outweighs the ASSUMPTION The Sanhedrin made.